Tecfidera Side Effects Catch Attention


Rushing into the local pharmacy, I stood at the counter beet red.  “Are you okay?” the pharmacist asked.  My face flaming as I told the pharmacist I needed an aspirin right away. “Are you having an allergic reaction to something?” she asked. I pulled my shirt up my arm as we inspected my skin all at once; it resembled a horrible burn and felt like one too!

“It’s my medication!” I replied with anxiety.

“Well that can’t be good!” the pharmacist said. “I don’t think I have an aspirin right here, only Tylenol. You will have to buy a bottle.” She handed me a bottle while her assistant gave me some water. I knew I would be better soon.

Running out of Tecfidera is a bad idea. I ran out in early February and had to wait for two weeks to get my refill. Mail is slow in Alaska. By the time I returned to my medication, even though it was only half the dose, my body went through the side effects stage all over again. The good news is, one baby aspirin or a few spoons of applesauce can prevent most if not all of the side effects from the medication.

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of www.MSsymptoms.me. As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.