Antibody Test for #MultipleSclerosis – At Last!

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The Mayo Clinic has developed an antibody test for #multiplesclerosis! What a relief! Imagine taking an antibody test and knowing in 20 minutes if you have MS. Wow! I’m speechless and SO very happy for future generations who won’t be waiting weeks, months, or years to learn about their diagnosis, AND they can ward off future attacks by beginning early treatment. “Our findings represent a cost savings as well as an automated alternative to the arsenal of tests used to diagnose multiple sclerosis,” states Ruba Saadeh, a research fellow in neuroimmunology in Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. The test is still in the research phase.

Elgin Cook, Melissa Cook & Donovin Sprague at the Sheridan Library on April 5, 2022

My husband (Elgin) and I have been busy giving four Alaska presentations in two weeks. Whew! While in Sheridan, Wyoming, an old friend from college caught up with us – fellow author Donovin Sprague. We hadn’t seen each other in 29 years! Donovin is an expert on Native American history and has ten books to his credit. Check out his collection on Amazon.

BOOK OF THE MONTH – April 2022

Book Recommendation – I recommend books I think will benefit #multiplesclerosis patients, people with chronic illness, and caretakers each month. I select books based on my recommendation and receive no compensation for choosing them. All links to Amazon are affiliate links, however.

Amazon page for The Giver by Lois Lowry

Why on earth would I recommend a middle school book? I happened to be a K-12 Alaska bush teacher in my previous life, which means I was also a middle school teacher. The Giver is so thought-provoking that I still think about the lessons I learned from it. Can you imagine a world without pain? No sadness? No challenges related to race, income inequality, competition, illness, or old age? Lois Lowry created a pain-free world shielded from unhappy memories. A Receiver holds the knowledge and uses it to make good decisions for the entire group. What happens when the holder of the memories grows old? He becomes The Giver and passes the memories on to the next Receiver. This book will show you a world with no pain or difficulties, but at what cost?

I think #MSwarriors should read The Giver because it demonstrates how life provides measuring sticks – experiences we use to judge a range of feelings and emotions. Here are two examples from the book. Imagine a beautiful, sunny day, sledding down a powdery, snow-covered hill and laughing in delight at the speed and thrill until you smoothly come to the bottom and throw yourself into a pile of fluffy snow. Now imagine a bitter cold, stormy day, flying down a steep, ice-covered hill while bumping out of control until the sled flips you out and you skid to the bottom, tearing your tender flesh. One memory brings a smile to our faces while the other causes us to relive a similar experience we prefer not to repeat.

The Giver points out how even hair color can cause pain. Skin color. Age. Differences in people. This society does away with all things that can cause sadness or pain. The holder of the memories knows why. Bullying. Feelings of inadequacies. Discrimination. By making everyone equal in all ways, life should be peaceful for all – right? Well, not so fast. Read The Giver to find out how one Receiver handles his new knowledge. Will he hold the memories to prevent the community from experiencing pain, or will the memories be returned to the people so that they might know how it feels to experience the highs in life that must be accompanied by the lows? Society cannot have one without the other.

It is a quick read that will help you appreciate all aspects of your life.

Presentation Schedule

May 3 – AAUW – Cody, Wyoming Library at noon “Conquering Disability with Attitude”


Mayo Clinic. “Researchers develop new antibody test to diagnose multiple sclerosis.” ScienceDaily. (accessed April 6, 2022). Feature Image. April 6, 2022.

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.