Social media is a large part of my job as an author. I post short stories and photos supporting my Alaska and MS memoir, “The Call of the Last Frontier,” on Alaska and MS social media groups. I promote my Wyoming Jeepers YouTube channel in Jeeper and adventure groups. A few weeks ago, I planned to share Dr. Brandon Beaber’s Twitter page for my MS readers because he posts about multiple sclerosis research and health information.

Dr. Brandon Beaber has been tweeting about multiple sclerosis, MS research, and current health topics relevant to MSers at least once a day since 2018. On his Twitter, he posted a link to receive his FREE book, “Resilience in the Face of Multiple Sclerosis.” That was a show stopper for mentioning his Twitter a few weeks ago. I had more to learn; I needed to read his book. Dr. Beaber writes as though he is sitting there talking to you. His book discusses five resilient MS patients and gives information on what it means to be a resilient person. In reading his book, I learned that I am resilient against the odds of my low birth weight, difficult childhood, and life experiences. The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis resulted in posttraumatic growth for me, which means I fit these characteristics:

“1) Increased awareness of new opportunities and new possibilities; 2) Stronger personal relationships and stronger emotional connections to others who suffer; 3) Greater awareness of personal strength despite also being more aware of vulnerability to traumatic events beyond one’s control; 4) Valuing life more than before and growing more appreciative of things that previously might have been taken for granted; and 5) Experiencing a deeper spiritual life, sometimes also resulting in a change in one’s belief system.” (Dr. Beaber reviewed the research of Richard Tedeschi, Ph.D., and Lawrence Calhoun, Ph.D.)

In reading the “Psychology of Resilience” chapter, I learned that my resilience comes partly from my perspective on life. Dr. Beaber noted, “As Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.'” When my friend Cathy was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in her sixth month of her fourth pregnancy, it forced her to choose between herself and her child. She did not live to raise her children. At the same time, I was diagnosed with MS. Comparing our two illnesses left me with posttraumatic growth and a perspective that allowed me to accept the challenges I have faced with high spirits. I am the happiest, most motivated person I know, and I’m not saying that to brag; I just am. My perspective on life is that I choose happiness, recognize that every day is a gift, I make the most of what life gives to me, and I believe knowledge is power.

The Polynesian Ho’oponopono practice “literally means ‘to make right, orderly, and correct,’ and it is a process of forgiveness, appreciation, and refocusing…You must look in the mirror and say, ‘I can do it; my actions will determine the outcome. No one else and no external force will stop me from achieving my goals.'” (Beaber) Resilient people self-reflect to improve their lives and meet challenges. They accept “self-responsibility and accountability,” and, “take responsibility for everything in life including your attitude towards the world and how you treat people. You should accept conflict as an opportunity to improve yourself and to change your life.” (Beaber)
The book continues with chapters on mindfulness and other stories. The conclusion includes my favorite topic of happiness and points out that no man is an island; we all need a support network.
You can also find Dr. Beaber on YouTube in his biweekly videos averaging less than 10 minutes each. Dr. Beaber’s YouTube channel began seven years ago though he has posted in earnest with weekly and biweekly videos for the past two years with a total of 215 shows to date.
Dr. Beader works for Kaiser Permanente in Downey, California.
Dr. Brandon Beaber’s Social Media
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Brandon_Beaber
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/DrBrandonBeaber/videos
BOOK OF THE MONTH – February 2022
Book Recommendation – I recommend books I think will benefit MSers, people with chronic illness, or their caretakers each month. The books, stories, and people I choose are based on my recommendation and are not paid advertisements. All links to Amazon are affiliate links, however.
I highly recommend Dr. Beaber’s “Resilience in the Face of Multiple Sclerosis” for MSers and anyone who wants to improve their resiliency. This book is easy to read and filled with information on what makes a person resilient. Readers garner an inside look at five other people’s journeys with MS and how their resiliency improves their lives. You can purchase it on Amazon by clicking on the highlighted link in this paragraph or request a FREE copy through Twitter.
When you receive the link from Dr. Beaber’s Twitter to receive the book for FREE, you have the following reading options:

Excerpts From: Brandon Beaber M.D. “Resilience in the Face of Multiple Sclerosis.” iBooks. February 1, 2022.