MS symptoms: Pig Whipworm Prevents Inflammation in Humans, Researchers Say
What the heck is this pig whipworm genome and what could it possibly have to do with multiple sclerosis? Who would even think of using…
What the heck is this pig whipworm genome and what could it possibly have to do with multiple sclerosis? Who would even think of using…
The first opportunity for and myself to participate in something outside of my own blog took place July 16, 2014 on Cure Panel Talk…
If you have been following the blog and/or the Melissa Cook@MSsymptomsme on Twitter, than you know a bit about me. With a background in…
Boy do MSers have a dilemma now! New studies show that low-fat diets reduce fatigue for multiple sclerosis patients while other studies report high-fat diets…
Keeping a form of white cells called B-cells below a count of 64 has been found to significantly reduce the number of lesions on the…
New marijuana research studies seem to be released every month. This spring we have learned that it alters the brain even if smoked once a…
Can you imagine being able to create new myelin with my own stem cells? What if my immune system could be reset? It all seems…
In reading a research from the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING) Neurology Clinic there was a 30-month study completed with 80 participants split…
The results of hNPCs or stem cells injected into mice with MS may pave the way for a future of multiple sclerosis treatments with remyelination…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I vacation in England! November 11,…