Researchers have successfully reduced inflammation similar to multiple sclerosis in mice. “The team found that these types of mediator substances, responsible for resolving the inflammatory process when it is no longer beneficial, are minimized in people with multiple sclerosis as well as in animal models of the disease. The use of these mediators could become a good strategy for the treatment of this autoimmune disease.” (Science Daily)
Here’s the deal, inflammation is the body’s response to protect an injured area of the body. Once that heals, the body has lipids to regulate the inflammation. “An error in the resolution response results in uncontrolled inflammation that is detrimental for the tissues. In multiple sclerosis…the inflammation is persistent and plays a key role in the development of the disease.” (Science Daily) To reduce the inflammation, researchers gave the mice the “resolving lipid,” which drastically reduced inflammation. Researchers say multiple sclerosis patients lack the inflammation controlling lipid Maresin-1 and others like it, resulting in autoimmune issues. They are now studying the safety of administering these lipids to humans to determine if they will reduce inflammation in MS patients.

I am visiting a tulip festival in Holland, Michigan. For almost twenty years, I have waited to walk along gardens filled with blooming tulips and dreamed of seeing fields of flowers. I feel incredibly fortunate to be here this week and to have the opportunity to visit my home state, old friends, and family. There is something special about smelling the trees and air of my childhood home that puts a smile on my face.

Traveling with multiple sclerosis can be tricky. I woke up at 3 am to drive to the Billings, Montana airport in time for a 7 am flight. I spent the first two days of my trip taking it easy in Livonia, Michigan before heading to Holland. While away from home, I guard my sleep and plan to get at least eight hours each night. I take Emergency every day, wash my hands everywhere I go, and avoid crowds, except for when I was a human sardine on the plane. I admit I must force myself to eat right because Michigan has yummy food options not available to me in Wyoming. Mmm Mmm.

Kobiltz, Julia. M.D. Feature Image – Science Lab. https://unsplash.com/@jkoblitz (accessed May 9, 2022).
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. “A new treatment reduces inflammation in multiple sclerosis mice models.” ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220426101648.htm (accessed May 9, 2022).