Ten years of giving my own shots provides me insight into the struggles experienced by individuals assigned to self-administer injectable medications for multiple sclerosis. There were nights in which I sat with syringe in hand. Minutes ticked by with a self pep talking going on inside my head as I tried to convince myself to take another shot. Seldom did I not muster the courage to press the auto inject button but there were times it took well over half an hour to press it.
The first electronic auto injector should be out for Betaseron patients any day now and hopefully it will set a new trend. The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America states the Bayer HealthCare device features:
“- customizable injection speed and depth settings that allow individuals to inject quietly and with precision at the touch of a button
- optional back-up reminder function to alert those using this device that it’s time for their next injection
- automatic needle insertion and retraction
- visual and audio end-of-dose indication to confirm when the injection is complete”
MSAA CEO Doug Franklin points out, “When ease and comfort are increased, and reminders are given when the next dose is due, individuals may be better able to stay on course with their treatment plans.” And, we all know staying on track with the our medication is key to keeping MS at bay.
For more information check out the article at: http://www.mymsaa.org/news-msaa/1364-electro-autoconnect-betaseron. Image from multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com.