Embracing the MS-free Times with RRMS


My goal in writing MSsymptoms.me has been to tell my MS story and to share the latest research and news. Originally, I had planned to write for one year. As the year came to an end I debated about the future of the blog. I had more to say. Then I learned 80% of RRMS becomes SPMS typically within 15-20 years of diagnosis and I was stunned. I had not realized this fact. It has caused to me reevaluate priorities in my life. You see, I am 20 years into my RRMS diagnosis. RRMS gives me breaks from multiple sclerosis. By writing Monday – Friday I do not allow myself the ability to be MS-free at times. For this reason I will be restructuring this blog to occasional posts in the future rather than daily.

As for my immediate plans, I would like to finish my story of living in Alaska’s bush country for 20 years. I feel the strong urgency to finish the book at this time. It is a history of my career, life in Alaska and family. There are a few quilts I want to finish, an art piece I am creating with the help of a friend, photographs left to be taken, and I plan to teach myself to paint with watercolors.

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of www.MSsymptoms.me. As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.