Four Supplements for Multiple Sclerosis – Dr. Brandon Beaber retweeted Dr. Aaron Boster‘s YouTube video on the four supplements he recommends for patients with multiple sclerosis. He begins with the value of a multivitamin for deficiencies. Second, vitamin D3 at 4-5,000 UI per day slows disease progression and development. Probiotics for the gut and flaxseed for the fiber and omega-3 properties round out the four supplements he recommends.
Living with a Chronic Illness – We’ve all heard that mindset is half the battle. Jennifer Crystal wrote “How to live with chronic illness” for Psyche and made some excellent points which include:
- Importance of a positive attitude
- Control your narrative, even if you can’t control your illness.
- Use correct vocabulary – can not can’t, needs not restrictions, post-traumatic growth not stress, and eliminate the word should altogether.
- Change your lifestyle to accommodate your new needs = your new normal
- “Pace yourself, learn your limits, and set boundaries” – to obtain a maintenance mode that allows you to achieve an optimal life and health.
- Seek advice from professionals who understand your issues
- Be happy

My psyche requires an active life filled with adventure and new places. This adventurous spirit grew within me during my twenty years in remote Alaska, and I feed it whenever an opportunity knocks. My schedule has Wyoming Jeepers penciled in every Saturday—my fun time.
You wouldn’t think it by watching our show, but it is quite the workout for this long-term MS warrior. Filming requires me to flex most of my muscles to keep the camera steady on bumpy roads. I hike up and down hills to find the perfect filming location for each clip, and I’m often squatting for the ideal angle. By the end of a long Jeeping day, my body reaches the exhausted point, but I love it! Plus, being outside all day gives me plenty of vitamin D, one of Dr. Aaron Boster‘s recommended vitamins.
One of the best things about being a Wyoming Jeeper is that I find myself sitting on top of mountains like this one weekly—perfect for my psyche. There, I reflect on my world, smell the fresh air, admire the flowers, and in the wintertime, hike around in deep, crisp snow.
Watch Wyoming Jeepers on YouTube and follow us on social media, where I post clips and photos regularly throughout the week. We are on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Upcoming Appearances
September 17, 2022 – Wyoming Jeepers fan trip to Boulder Basin, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, 10 a.m. meet up at Shell Creek Campground
October 8, 2022 – High Plains Book Awards, 12–4 p.m. Billings Public Library Community Room for panel discussions and author book signings at 510 N Broadway, Billings, MT 59101 and, 7:30 p.m. Awards Presentation at Petro Theater at 1500 University Drive, Billings, MT 59101
October 12-18, 2022 – Thorne Bay Library and Thorne Bay School presentations TBA
October 25, 2022 – Thriving Over Surviving podcast interview
October 27, 2022 – Inside the Nest Podcast interview, 10:00–10:30 a.m. MST
November 1, 2022 – Dragonclaw.net guest speaker on Zoom
Crystal, Jennifer. “How to live with chronic illness.” Psyche. https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-live-and-thrive-with-a-chronic-illness. (accessed September 11, 2022).