Fellow MSer Sarah Locke caught my attention with this photo on Twitter. I learned that Multiple Sclerosis Foundation – MS Focus and MSAA has Polar products for you with further investigation! I completed the online form, which did have a few personal questions, and I had to look close to find all the fields because it kept resetting – so watch for that when you apply. Then I printed the doctor’s confirmation form to give to my neurologist, but a nice lady called me and confirmed my MS diagnosis with an emailed photo of my treatment medication bottle. Order yours today at: https://msfocus.org/Get-Help/MSF-Programs-Grants/Cooling-Program. The MS Focus program runs from 2/1/2022 through 6/1/2022 and MSAA runs all year long. Check out the Polar products for this giveaway: https://www.polarproducts.com/polarshop/pc/viewcontent.asp?idpage=89.

True to its reputation, February blew out with freezing temperatures. How cold, you ask? Try -19. Yeah, that’s not 19 – that’s -19! Yep. February is definitely not my favorite month of the year. This is what I looked like last February when I had to walk the dog, who wasn’t any happier about our trip outside than me, though I was warmer than her in my layers. Oddly, after last week’s -19, today will be 62. Hmm. Spring must be coming. Nope. I see single digits and snow coming. It’s a trick!
BOOK OF THE MONTH – March 2022
Book Recommendation – I recommend books I think will benefit MSers, people with chronic illness, and caretakers each month. I select books based on my recommendation and receive no compensation for choosing them. All links to Amazon are affiliate links, however.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy is a short read, very short – about half an hour if you take time to think about what you are reading. So how can I recommend a book if it is SO short? The messages in the book are what all people need to hear, especially those facing challenges. The book has 91,500 Amazon ratings with a 4.8-star rating. An example that will stick with me long-term: Is your glass half empty or half full? I have described myself as a half-full kinda gal for decades. What about appreciating the fact that you have a glass at all? Hmm. Food for thought. I’m just happy to have a glass was the response in the book, and I smiled because I never looked at it that way, but THAT type of thinking is SO me! Messages of love, friendship, avoiding hate, accepting who we are and what we can do in life fill this book. The font was a little difficult for me to read at first. I picked up my glasses and pressed on – also a lesson in the book – when things get tough, keep going! Enjoy!
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. MS Focus. “Cooling Program.” https://msfocus.org/Get-Help/MSF-Programs-Grants/Cooling-Program. February 27, 2022.
Locke, Sarah. Twitter Account. https://twitter.com/Social4Sarah. February 27, 2022.
Polar Products. MSAA & MS Focus Project. https://www.polarproducts.com/polarshop/pc/viewcontent.asp?idpage=89. March 1, 2022.