What is Rebound COVID-19?
Technically, Rebound COVID-19 means you tested negative only to have a positive test with recurring symptoms. I never reached the point of a negative test but did feel well enough to harvest peas out of the garden and drive through the mountains to catch a glimpse of the last wildflowers of the year. Then it hit again. Killer headache. Congestion. Body pain and fatigue. Razor blades in my throat! Can you have rebound COVID if you never had a negative test? I’m calling it rebound COVID because I was on my feet, and then I wasn’t.
I wonder if MS plays a role in the risk of COVID relapse? In my research, I could not find any sources on my question. However, I discovered a solid explanation of “COVID-19 and Multiple Sclerosis” on Cleveland Clinic’s webpage.

Dare to be a Little Wild & Crazy!
I heard about the Fish Kiss while having lunch with friends in Copenhagen in May 2014. We dared and doubled dared each other to run across the street and try it out. Okay, so maybe I dared and doubled dared the ladies into trying it. Does that sound like me?
As you can see, I get myself into scary predicaments when I do that type of thing (picture on the left), but it almost always turns out alright (picture on the right). I encourage you to do something you wouldn’t normally do if you weren’t daring someone else to try it. You never know; you might like it. My legs have never been smoother, although one or two of those fish did take a little more than dry skin!
Cleveland Clinic. “COVID-19 and Multiple Sclerosis.” https://my.clevelandclinic.org/departments/neurological/depts/multiple-sclerosis/ms-approaches/covid19-and-ms#:~:text=Q%3A%20Do%20patients%20with%20multiple,solely%20due%20to%20having%20MS.(accessed July 24, 2022).