To take medication or not to take medication, that is the question. There is no easy answer. I have spent two years on Avonex, five years on Copaxone, two years on Rebif, and one year on Gilenya. I have been MS treatment free for eight months. I am feeling pretty well considering, though I can’t prioritize. Dinner is cooking, I need a spatula and then I am unloading the dishwasher when all I needed was the spatula. I bounce around the kitchen. What to do next is not a problem; everything calls my name. First I’m unloading the dishwasher then filling the dog’s water dish, washing dishes before the dishwasher is even empty. Oh yeah, I needed that spatula. “I do that too,” other people say. Sure, occasionally. My whole day is like this, room to room, task to task. Bouncing through my day trying to have direction and focus. Is that the fire alarm again? Walking away from a cooking dinner is routine in my house. My husband grabs the fire alarm off the ceiling and sets it back on the table. Maybe I should consider a new medication. Hmm
About the Author
Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.