MS symptoms: Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue or Maybe Not?

BumpThere I was, no better than a bump on a log laying face down on the hotel bed. We had traveled eight hours to our destination, stopping in the middle for brunch. We rolled into the hotel parking lot in Provo at 5:08 pm. With key in hand I went up to the room while my husband went for the luggage. Opening the door he found me, down for the count. Our date night ruined by MS fatigue… or was it?

“Maybe something to eat would help,” I said with far less confidence than I felt. MS fatigue does not just disappear with a burger. Fifteen minutes later hubby was back with take out and 30 minutes later I was ready to go. Sometimes, it isn’t multiple sclerosis. Sometimes fatigue can be from a sugar spike and drop like the pancakes with extra syrup did to me today. No fancy restaurant for our date but a stroll around town is on the agenda!

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About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.