MS symptoms: The Reality of MS Pain & Attitude

positive-attitudeThe reality of multiple sclerosis pain is that it does not control my life. Sure, it slows me down and leaves me unmotivated to do things at times. I won’t deny I hurt so badly sometimes that I have no choice but to take a hot shower to regain control. When I taught I was distracted by the constant flow of people, lessons, papers, and tasks giving me the ability to push through. On disability it takes a bit more to distract me but I find ways.

The key is that I sport a positive attitude. I get up each day, take the pain killers and essential oils. My day fills up as all days do and I move through them with a smile. I truly believe I am blessed for many reasons. Despite my illness I am able to do things I love such at photography, quilting and writing this blog. It only takes turning on the news to see others far less fortunate than me. Instead of focusing on what causes me pain I choice instead to see my cup almost full and count those blessings one-by-one.

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About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.