MS symptoms: Treatment Plan Hiatus

breakAfter ten years on shots I took my first hiatus from an MS treatment plan. Though risky, I felt the need to detoxify and give my body a break from the harsh medications. I felt almost poisoned after nearly a decade of taking injections. The time off gave me freedom to experience life as it once was, shot free. In the back of my mind a clock was ticking though. I knew with each break that a new medication lay ahead with potential side effects. Today I almost expect the breaks between medications. Seems to reason that one would want the rid themselves of one medication prior to beginning another. Though this is only my opinion, I suspect my doctors would all disagree. Having a treatment plan in place most of the time is a critical component to staying healthy and controlling the progression of MS. I understand this, however, I do enjoy those breaks!

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About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.