Itching can be a symptom of MS. Who knew? I didn’t. I have unexplained itching on the top of one hand when nothing is wrong with my skin. I have no known issues that would cause it, such as a reaction. It comes, and it goes. And then I read something another MSer wrote about her experience with MS, and the lightbulb turned on for me. I bet this is MS. And that is why I share my experiences with you, hoping they can help you and yours.

It’s no secret that multiple sclerosis patients are often low on vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital to:
- strengthening the immune system and bones
- avoiding diseases and illnesses
- decreasing the risk of chronic immune system diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis
- preventing severe cases of COVID
You should consult your doctor about supplementing with vitamin D if your bloodwork falls below the recommended level. I take 5,000 IU per day with magnesium for optimal absorption. My vitamin D is often in the 80s with supplements and below 30 without them. If you are taking too much, you can experience these side effects: “weakness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, and others.” (WebMD)

It has been a busy week for me. I recorded a podcast with Thriving Over Surviving MS with Edie Sohigian. Boy, was that a treat! Edie can set anyone at ease with her laugh and desire to have fun, which perfectly matches my personality. This episode will air on October 25, 2022.

I received a notice and phone call to confirm my book, (Amazon affiliate link) The Call of the Last Frontier, has placed as one of three finalists out of 300 entries for a High Plains Award 2022. On October 8, 2022, finalists will participate in an author signing event. The award winners will be announced at an evening ceremony in Billings, Montana.
Shuraev, Yaroslav. Vitamin D image. (accessed on June 21, 2022).
Sohigian, Edie. “Thriving Over Surviving MS.” Audible. (accessed on June 20, 2022).
WebMD. “Vitamin D – Uses, Side Effects, and More.” (accessed on June 20, 2022).