What is Precision Medicine? Medical treatment plans tailored to the genetics of individual patients may drive future diagnosis and treatment for multiple sclerosis. The MS patient’s autoantigens may be the key to achieving greater efficacy of disease-modifying treatments (DMTs). Testing MS patients to identify a profile of autoantigens that drive their autoimmune disease will lead to an adaptable treatment plan in the future. DMTs can be targeted with this information, resulting in fewer side effects. A phase two study will aim “to ‘switch off’ the aggressive T cells which drive MS development and progress.” (Science Daily)

Conquering Disability with Attitude is a presentation I gave to the Cody, Wyoming AAUW yesterday. The meat of my presentation included:
- Post-Traumatic Growth, which I discussed in a post on February 2, 2022 (Dr. Beaber)
- My mantra is Happiness is a Choice, my favorite motivating books Who Moved My Cheese and Peaks and Valleys (links to Amazon are affiliate)
- The Key Elements to a Happy Life for me are to smile, surround myself with happy people, exercise & sleep, choose happy content in books, TV, and movies, and avoid negativity).
- We set out in life with goals, and sometimes we achieve them, and other times life happens and alters our path. I was a classroom teacher, school district administrator, and a Ph.D. student who suddenly found myself on disability and at home alone.
- The MS warrior in me fought back, and I am now a best-selling author, blogger, Wyoming Jeeper, EMT-firewoman, but I’m still disabled, and limitations from MS continue to steer my life decisions.
- Each day comes once – tomorrow is not guaranteed, so live life as though each day is a gift and check off items on your bucket list.
- No man or woman is an island; we need a team. I do everything I can for myself to preserve my team for when I absolutely need the help because tomorrow, I may need more assistance than I do today.

Personal & Private Meetings is a blog post from www.DebbieMS.com. Debbie Petrina, author of Managing MS: A Roadmap to Navigate Multiple Sclerosis, writes an open and honest message about cleaning out her closet of life with a monthly visit with a psychiatrist. I enjoyed the voice I heard in this post.
Book Recommendation – I recommend books I think will benefit #multiplesclerosis patients, people with chronic illness, and caretakers each month. I select books based on my recommendation and receive no compensation for choosing them. All links to Amazon are affiliate links, however.
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, MD, is my choice for the Book of the Month. I believe the story can be helpful to MSers because someone moved our cheese, and it continues to be moved. When your cheese is moved, you must adapt to the change or languish. The message of this book is to anticipate the changes and adjust to them when they arrive. MS dictates some aspects of my life – which job I can handle, limitations on my output each day, and sometimes if I do anything at all with day I’ve been given. This book is a short read that will leave you thinking about the four mice who woke up one morning to find their daily cheese missing. Two mice immediately accepted the change and moved on to discover where the cheese went, while the two remaining mice stayed behind, hoping for the cheese to return the next day, and the next, and the next. Which mouse are you? Check out this book for solid life lessons on accepting, adapting, and embracing changes we don’t ask for but face anyway.
Karolinska Institutet. “Findings open way for personalized MS treatment.” ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220427140615.htm (accessed May 3, 2022).