History of MSsymptoms.me
MSsymptoms.me began as a daily blog with one solid paragraph about my MS story or the latest research information in 2013. Years later, I learned that RRMS becomes SPMS after ten years for the average patient. I changed to blogging three times a week with slightly longer posts to give myself a break from multiple sclerosis while I had symptom-free periods. Then, I stopped blogging for a few years to move, build my house, and write my Alaska and MS memoir, The Call of the Last Frontier. I returned to blogging as promised when I completed the book.
Upon my return, I changed the blog’s format and made it more personal. Then, I added a Book of the Month section.
I enjoy writing MSsymptoms.me; however, I also write the blog Alaska Bush Life, promote my book, and film and edit the Wyoming Jeepers show on YouTube. It has been challenging to find the time to write my next project. To open time in my schedule, MSsymptoms.me will become a monthly blog.
I will email a monthly newsletter with information on my writing, Jeeping, and multiple sclerosis world. On December 20, 2023, I will draw a name from my email list for a Japanese glass float I found on the Bering Sea beach in 1995. Take advantage of my annual drawing by signing up here.

Recording an Audiobook – More Challenging Than Expected
I’ve been recording an audiobook for The Call of the Last Frontier. Last winter, I recorded the book in my closet for three months. It is quite a demanding project, and the end product didn’t meet my standards even though Audible said it made their cut. As a result, I am back in the closet, re-recording the book. It is going smoother with the upgraded equipment and practice.
I am shooting for a May 1, 2023, release date for the audiobook. The Call of the Last Frontier is also available in paperback, ebook, hardcover, and large print on my author website, Amazon , and Barnes & Noble.
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to move to remote Alaska and live, you may enjoy my book. If you are an Alaska TV show or adventure fan, this book will definitely entertain you. And for those of you with MS, The Call of the Last Frontier is also a memoir of my multiple sclerosis journey.
Wyoming Jeepers Fan Trips 2023
We are setting the dates for two Wyoming Jeepers fan trips. We will head to the Pryor Mountains during the summer flower season (late June or early July). We filmed the upcoming March 2023 Wyoming Jeepers episode in this location. In August 2023, we plan to take Jeepers to the mines in the Cook City area. Check out “One Hail of a Day” to see this area. Stay tuned for the exact dates.
Change Provides New Opportunities
We open the door to new opportunities when we recognize the need for change. Being strategic about time is essential for MSers. This change in my schedule will allow me to create a fantastic book series and continue to create Wyoming Jeepers episodes. Stay tuned for progress reports each month on MSsymptoms.me.

Nothing Ahead. Change Image. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/shallow-focus-photo-of-change-4502492/. (accessed February 20, 2023).