“Our digital platform is run by MSers for MSers.” Billy Smith, http://www.shift.ms
Buddy Network – In June 1996, a doctor told me he thought I had MS and instructed me not to read anything about it because I would think I had symptoms I didn’t. He said to schedule my next appointment when I couldn’t take it anymore. No disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) were available at the time. Copaxone came out six months later, though I followed the doctor’s direction and showed up for my next visit five years later. I was alone in my thoughts and fears during those years living in remote Alaska with no support group or online information. With a fellow MS buddy, this period of my life would have been different. For one thing, I wouldn’t have waited five years to get on a DMT had I known about Copaxone.
Shift.ms has a Buddy Network designed to pair newbie MSers with experienced MSers to answer questions and be a support in the early days of an MS diagnosis. If you want to participate, contact Shift.ms at: https://shift.ms/the-buddy-network. Buddies do not provide medical advice, speak to your doctors, offer professional health advice, and don’t always have the answer. However, buddies can tell you about their experiences, share resource information, listen to your questions, fears, and thoughts, and be emotional support for you during this difficult time. Your buddy will have insight into certain aspects of your situation that your close family and friends may not, making them a unique resource.

Blog – “All our blogs are written by people living with multiple sclerosis, for other MSers ✍️ From dealing with insomnia 😴 to keeping your brain active 🧠 to channeling your MS energy ⚡️ we’ve got it covered.” Shift. ms shares weekly #MSwarrior stories on their blog regularly. Check out the challenges others face with #multiplesclerosis and how they conquer them on: https://shift.ms/blogs. With 40,000 members, you are sure to find a connection on this platform. Eighty-seven percent of posts receive a response within 24-hours.

Forum – To make the forum for #MSwarriors even better, they have optimized the threads with hashtag searching capabilities under the Explore or Trending option. Once you enroll, you can follow, send messages, and post questions or answers on the forum.

Shift.ms YouTube Videos – Shift.ms is also on YouTube with #MS patients talking about #multiplesclerosis and comparing stories. See how your journey aligns with others by checking out their channel.

Volunteer – The Energy team is a group of volunteers who help Shift.ms with the workload. Some people write guest blog posts; others comment on Shift.ms Facebook or help newbie MSers in Buddy Network. If you have extra time to give, check out the volunteer opportunities: https://shift.ms/get-involved/donate.

Fundraising – Meet the Shift.ms crew. Check out some of the fantastic fundraisers of the past. Shift.ms also accepts monthly and one-time donations at: https://shift.ms/get-involved/donate.
On a personal note, look who’s book was number one on last week’s Amazon best-seller list:

My memoir, “The Call of the Last Frontier,” continues to pop up as #1 in Multiple Sclerosis, Alaska Travel Guides, Polar Regions Travel, Pacific U.S. Regional Travel, etc. A HUGE thank you to all of my readers and reviewers! You are the reason I have this photo to frame. Thank you! Visit my author page to see my interviews and the book photos at www.MelissaCook.us.

Note: All Amazon links are affiliate. Thank you for your support.