MS symptoms: Meet the Panelists on the Cure Talk Radio Show
If you have been following the blog and/or the Melissa Cook@MSsymptomsme on Twitter, than you know a bit about me. With a background in…
If you have been following the blog and/or the Melissa Cook@MSsymptomsme on Twitter, than you know a bit about me. With a background in…
Who would think that a callus on my toe could be from MS? Last fall I noticed calluses on my toes. I have been battling…
Smiling can improve our health and with MS I need all the help I can get! Fortunately for me, I am known for my smile….
Smiling is second nature to me. I’m known to smile and laugh easily even when alone! There may actually be science to back up good…
Strange obstacles pop up without warning in my life. The lipstick challenge is an excellent example of the little things in life I fail to…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I begin my cruise back to…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I vacation in England! February 12…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy as I vacation in England. October 17,…
Until I began this blog, I seldom thought about my illness. Keeping busy and only recognizing MS when it forced me to was my way…