MS symptoms: Delayed Speech
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I vacation in England! November 4,…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I vacation in England! November 4,…
BLAST from the PAST! The next two weeks I am reposting my favorite posts from the past. Enjoy while I vacation in England! November 11,…
Image of me in 2004 puzzled by something I had just said in class. Always good for something strange even back then! Ha Returning to…
After ten years on shots I took my first hiatus from an MS treatment plan. Though risky, I felt the need to detoxify and give…
Avonex was the first medication I was prescribed. I chose it because I suffered from needle phobia and one shot a week sounded much better…