MS symptoms: Tecfidera Week 3 Update
Whew! The end of week three on Tecfidera has arrived without incident or side effect. Breakfast ends with a Tecfidera pill, an 81 mg aspirin…
Whew! The end of week three on Tecfidera has arrived without incident or side effect. Breakfast ends with a Tecfidera pill, an 81 mg aspirin…
I was so busy I failed to remember to eat apple sauce with the Tecfidera pill. Two hours later I realized my mistake. The apple… Day one on Tecfidera went very well. A slight headache resolved with an additional 81 mg aspirin. Otherwise, no news was good news….
Ready! Set! Go! I begin Tecfidera on Sunday. This is a huge step for a fraidy-cat like me. I hate new medications and the risk…