Preparing for Secondary-Progressive MS
Finding out 80% of RRMS patients progress into SPMS was shocking to me. I always knew there was a chance of such progression; I just…
Finding out 80% of RRMS patients progress into SPMS was shocking to me. I always knew there was a chance of such progression; I just…
Facts are facts and the fact is that 80% of those diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) will eventually become secondary-progressive MS patients. MS progression…
A blast from the past… Sometimes, I need a little help now and then, so I have learned to ask; Sometimes, I have pain, so…
Fixing dinner tonight I felt pain throughout my body. What the heck? Don’t tell me I forgot to take my pain pill again. Darn! As…
Perusing the news I discovered CNN’s article, “Loneliness: 5 things you may not know” from November 26, 2014. It made me think of those whom…
PML is the brain infection caused by the JCVirus and in most recent years has been seen in multiple sclerosis patients with suppressed immune systems….
I have had MS for 20 years. I, too, was told not to read anything about it. Easier to do back then given the lack…
In honor of all the many caregivers out there, I researched the following resources. It is worth the time in a busy schedule to learn…
Recently I added a donation link to my website. Money will be used to further Here are the things I am raising money for…
Gratitude comes to mind this day of Thanksgiving. Everyday of the year I am thankful to have been born an American. I am proud to…